Words so good they’ve been tattooed, trademarked, and trading named?

It’s true.

Brand strategy and copywriting services Melbourne

▪ A copywriter trademarked a phrase I wrote for her in a Brand Therapy session.

▪ A performer hired me to help them distil their essence into a performer's bio and loved what I came up with so much they tattooed it across their chest.

▪ A videographer who hired me to name and position a new service loved my ideas so much she renamed her whole business.

Unfortunately for my portfolio, a lot of my best pieces of work are protected under patient confidentiality. And by that I mean they’re internal brand documents which can’t be shared publicly.

Here’s a taste of what I can share.

My portfolio page isn't quite as prestigious as the Pulitzer, but it's close. Want to be featured here?

Melbourne Whitelabel Copywriter | Freelance Melbourne Copywriter